Information about DASH and QuickDASH Outcome Measure Licences

The Institute for Work & Health (the Institute) receives numerous requests for use of its DASH and QuickDASH Outcome Measure Instruments. The majority of these requests are granted for “free use” of these tools. However, some require the issue of a licence, as follows:

Non-Commercial Use Licence

A perpetual licence (no set expiry date) is issued to the translator/organization on completion and approval of a translation(s) and submission of approved documents in PDF format to the Institute.

For more information, go to:

Commercial Use Licence

Every potential commercial client is requested to complete and submit a DASH/QuickDASH User Profile form. The Institute reviews the information provided and determines, if warranted, the appropriate licence category which is then communicated, together with user fee(s), to the applicant.

Once the applicant agrees to proceed with the issue of a licence, an official agreement/licence will be drawn up by the Institute and sent to the potential licencee for signature and payment of the predetermined user fees to the Institute.

On receipt of the signed licence document with payment (to the Institute), the licencee can then proceed with their project. The Institute encourages the individual/organization to make use of the DASH website:

Note: The licencee is not permitted to use the DASH/QuickDASH Instruments in their project prior to the issue of the commercial licence and payment of related user fees.

Licence and User Fees

All priced in Canadian Dollars.

Category A: For Profit Publications or Products

One-year Licence Fee: $1,500.00
Annual Renewal Fee: $700.00 plus applicable user fees

Category B: Commercial Software and/or Web-based Software for Repeated Use

One-year Licence Fee: $1,250.00
Annual Renewal Fee: $650.00 plus applicable user fees

Category C: Commercially Funded Studies

One-year Licence Fee: $1,250.00
Annual Renewal Fee: $650.00 plus applicable user fees

User Fees

For all licence categories, the following user fee scale will be applied:

Up to 500 users $625
up to 1,000 users $1,150
up to 2,000 users $2,120
up to 3,000 users $2,940
up to 4,000 users $3,640
up to 5,000 users $4,250
up to 7,500 users $6,000
up to 10,000 users $7,600
more than 10,000 users please inquire

Note:For all licence categories the user fee scale is applied to the target volume (purchasers of publications; software product(s); patients taking part in study/studies) provided by the individual/organization on the user profile form(s) submitted to IWH.

For clinical studies, repeat questionnaire use (as provided on the user profile form submitted) is included in the user fee scale applied.For example, a clinical trial with a baseline of 100 patients and two repeats of the DASH questionnaire over the duration of the trial (100 x 3 = 300 uses) will cost $625.

Putting a Licence on Hold

Requests to place commercial DASH/QuickDASH licences on hold will be accommodated by the Institute for a period to be determined and agreed on by the Institute and the licencee.  On re-issue of the licence after the hold period, a ten percent administrative fee will apply.

If the licence is cancelled during or after the hold period, the Institute’s licence cancellation and refund policy will be applied.

Cancellation  and Refund Policy

For all cancellations, the Institute for Work & Health (the Institute) will reduce the total amount paid by a set amount each month from the start date of the licence. This set amount is determined by dividing the balance after deduction of the administrative fee, by the number of months of the licence term.  The refund issued will be for the period remaining in the licence from the cancellation request date.


Organization X holds a one-year  commercial licence issued on January 10, 2013.  A cancellation request was  received on June 16, 2013.

Fees Paid

Administrative Charge (10%)


Set Monthly Amount

Refund Due






Note: No refunds will be provided once the licence issued has been in effect for half or more than half of its duration.